Grocery shop with local and bio products - Bread depot - Services delivery - Tea salon : coffee and tea on site or to go - Friendly meeting place - Setting up of workshops - Possible delivery : order by sms or phone- Collection of bio vegetables baskets.
Health services and measures :
Facebook page :
Instagram :
Type of shops :
Grocery shop
Gifts and souvenirs
weekly closure :
Saturday afternoon
Sunday afternoon
opening hours :
lun, mar, merc, vend, sam 7h-12h15 - lun, mar, merc, vend 16h-19h - jeu 7h-10h - dim 8h-12h
languages spoken :
accepted animals :
locate on Google Maps :
Products sold on spot :
Produits locaux et produits Bio, dépôt de pain, services, salon de thé, espace convivial et ateliers, retrait de paniers de légumes Bio